Saturday, April 08, 2006


When I was younger and just tuning into Top 40 radio, there would always be a song or two from an unknown that just raced up the chart. An insta-hit if you will, that from the moment you heard it, you knew was going Top 10. "My Sharona" and "Baby Come Back" are two that I knew from first listen would be hits. And that trend continues today. Daniel Powter's "Bad Day" and James Blunt's "You're Beautiful" are guilty pleasure singles, that are destined to be ragged on for years by the music critic elite club. But I knew they were destined to blanket your radio station for decades. It's funny how the insta-hits are by newcomers, and guilty pleasures to boot. The public gets these songs ("Jessie's Girl" is another) lodged in their brain and can't let 'em go. Damn the critics.
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