Saturday, October 06, 2007

Mick Jagger Does Not Rewrite History

My favorite Mick Jagger solo song isn't on his Very Best of. "Hang On To Me Tonight", taken from his only good solo record, Wandering Spirit. In fact the title song from that album is also missing. But Jagger, who picked these songs, shows you his solo warts and all. Most artists, when they release compilations, try and skip over the bad parts of their career. They're looking for a redo. But what we have here are some of Jagger's worst: "Just Another Night", "Let's Work", "Lucky In Love", all coming from his first 2 albums. If their are good songs on those albums, they were drowned by 80's drum machines and synths. The best moments on this CD are the unreleased's. Why didn't Jagger release his 1992 dates with blues act the Red Devils? The one track included here is a revelation. There's the lost John Lennon track, the dancey "Charmed Life". Jagger's solo career hasn't been much. He could've rewritten it with this Best of. Nice that he checked his ego, and let's you decide if it matches up to even the most average Stones music.
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