Saturday, December 04, 2010

Christgau's Consumer Guide Returns Again

Back in the Summer, Robert Christgau gave up his monthly Consumer Guide column, and many of his fans (including me) were disappointed. His monthly reviews, some I agreed with and others not, were always a good read. And I was able to find records that even many music mags missed.

Well the good news. The Guide is back. This time in a new format, and as a blog. 4 records reviewed each week. 16 a month, Christgau is promising. Only the good ones, as well. Too early to tell if Christgau will tinker with the format the way he did with the other incarnations of the Guide.
If you've never read Christgau's stuff before, check out his web page, which is linked below.
He belong in a Music Critic Hall of Fame.

Expert Witness

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