Thursday, February 27, 2025

RIP Gene Hackman

  I’ve always believed that Gene Hackman was the most underrated, greatest actor of his generation. A generation begun in the late 60’s with Hoffman, Nicholson, DeNiro, Pacino.  Hackman ever got mentioned in their company despite a body of work that is equal to many of his peers. The only lifetime achievement award he received was at the 2003 Golden Globes.  He left acting in 2004 and deserved so many more accolades.
  Part of this underrated career had to do with his acting. The word everyman gets used a lot about Hackman and it fits. It describes his style of acting no ,after the role. Hackman was worth watching in everything he did. Whether the film connected or not.  I first saw him as a teenager in the Poseidon Adventure. Next up was Young Frankenstein. Then in the first two Superman movies. Later as I grew older I caught the French Connection, Bonnie & Clyde, Night Moves and the Conversation just to name a few. He was everywhere in the late 80’s and 90’s. 
  I’m sorry he died without getting the rewards he deserved. He was a fabulous actor. Much like Paul Newman, another Everyman in many movies, I stop what I’m watching when his films are on. His was a gold standard career. 
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