Friday, September 19, 2008

End Of TRL

I posted about the initial news of the end of TRL earlier this year, and now its final, despite MTV saying it might come back. But it won't be the old TRL regardless of whether they retool it. The show's heyday was the late 90's/early 00's when teen dream's ruled the sales and airplay charts. But when they grew up so did the kid's and the show was left with nothing but hip-hop acts to carry the load. So, despite a resurgance in the last couple of years of Disney-era branded teen idols, the show never recovered. But don't cry for MTV, it made a ton of money off of its initial investment in the show. A lot of people, artists and record companies, profited from TRL. But like Soul Train, American Bandstand and the pre-video era Solid Gold things move on to whatever's next.
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