Monday, February 06, 2012

Streaming Under Siege

I'm not a musician, but I've been reading a lot of articles lately about how artists are getting tired of getting nothing from streaming services like Rhapsody, Spotify, etc.  The pennies from they get when those of us who use these sites click on their titles is pretty minuscule.  Some big name acts like Coldplay are keeping their stuff of the sites.
But for us consumers these sites are a godsend.  I've streamed many albums that I was curious about.  By streaming, I've been able to decide whether to buy or not.

So, what's going to happen.  Are labels going to start pulling their product unless they get a bigger slice.  Are more artists?

I've got a weird feeling none of the above is the answer.  But I'm always weary of how the Record Industry is always looking for a way to screw the consumer.

My guess is that streaming rates will rise.  But how much more before they scare off consumers?  Good question.
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