Saturday, March 08, 2008

Not Joking

The week leading up to the Hall's Induction ceremony is a good time to read what other critic's and websites are saying about the Hall, its future and its problems. Future Rock Hall has done a fab job of keeping up with it all. One name I've seen come up in my reading's that I've never given serious consideration to is Steve Miller. He's had a long career, for sure. Doesn't make records anymore, or hasn't in ages. His best work was bunched up in the mid-70's, although he has fans of his early 70's work. Kind of like Bob Seger, right. Seger didn't hit big until the mid-70's, but has fans of his earlier work. Seger's hit days lasted a few years more than Miller. Like Seger, Miller made one classic album, Fly Like An Eagle, and some decent catalog items. I'm on the fence, for sure, but if his name came up on the ballot, I wouldn't scream. After all, they did nominate the J. Geils Band.
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