Saturday, February 11, 2012

Whitney Houston

As much a tragic death as Amy Winehouse.  But at least Houston got a chance at making a comeback.  Yet the last 10 years of her music career was a strange mix of bad concerts and one decent comeback record in 2009.   She had a movie in the works, so who knows what would have come of her latest comeback.

But, oh, what a run she had from the mid-80's to the late 90's.  A powerful voice, who turned about to be one of the most influential singers of her generation..

When I think of Whitney Houston, I think of my favorite song of hers, "How Will I Know".  It's off of her first album, and in the video she looks so young and vibrant, and just letting loose with that powerful, golden instrument of a voice.  That's how I will remember her.  And I believe like other tragic deaths like Winehouse, Elvis, Michael Jackson, that ultimately that will be how we all will remember her.
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