Friday, April 11, 2014

It's Over

The good news is that it's over.  But for us Rock Hall junkies the end comes bittersweet.  The 2014 Rock Hall process was messy, annoying, frustrating but also newsworthy.  Now comes months until the Fall nominations.  Until then we can muse on how Joel Peresman & Co., will correct any of the mistakes they made this year.  Most of this has to do with what band members get inducted.

I also found it funny that the NY Times article about the Hall said that there was some sort of rule that keeps NomCom members from talking about the nomination process.  Peresman told Eddie Trunk in 2012 that there was none.  Maybe there is now, but I find it funny that he still wants to keep that whole process silent.  Only a couple of members speak out about what goes on every year,  Dave Marsh  & Roy Trakin.  But asking a NomCom on Twitter or through email gets you nothing.  So, they have definitely been told to be quiet.  Ex-members like Robert Hilburn and Jeff Tamarkin can give you a decent look at what happened when they were there.

The Times piece also alluded to current NomCom's who want Roxy Music and Brian Eno nominated, so those 2 may be getting close to getting on the ballot.
But the tug of war between nominating popular names like Kiss and critic-proof ones like a Brian Eno will only continue.

And then there was this from the Wall Street Journal, which highlighted Early Influences that the Hall has give up on.  Except in the case of recent ones like Wanda Jackson and Freddie King.

I hope the mainstream press will continue to publish stuff like the NYT and WSJ ones, if only to wake up Jon Landau, Peresman and gang that yes, there are people watching how you conduct NomCom business.
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