Sunday, June 13, 2010

Living In The Past

I keep up on new music. New artists, songs, etc. I buy CD's by these artists. I also buy reissues. It's an expensive business, but I've managed to keep up. I don't believe in living in the past when it comes to music. Music was great then and it is good now, but that's the key. Yes, there is much more music to digest today then in 1970 or 1980. But the internet has helped find things within seconds. I'm not one to complain about today's artists. I don't want to spend a year just buying old reissues. The Tom Petty/Joe Cocker concert had me thinking about what records I have by them. New Cocker? Nope, but I have a recent anthology. Petty I've been able to keep up with, although he hasn't put out anything with staying power in over a decade. Petty has a new album out in 2 days. I'm on the fence whether I'll get it, concert be damned.
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